Pimp your phone like never before !

You may have noticed that I haven’t write any blog posts since 1 month. I was focusing all my attention on my new Android application. And today is announcement day! Let me present you Random Wallpapers ! What the hell is Random Wallpapers? Random Wallpapers is an Android application designed to change your phone background randomly based on the things you like. Here’s how it works: First of all you choose what you like from a list of categories: Cats, Dogs, Christmas, Flowers, and so on ❤️ hen you configure the refresh rate: for example you could say: I want my phone wallpaper to change every 2 days.
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How to install Traefik 2.x on a Docker Swarm

I have recently migrated my production docker swarm from Traefik 1.7 to Traefik 2.0 and since I cannot found a good tutorial I have decided to write one. So in this tutorial you’ll learn how to deploy Traefik with HTTPS support on a docker swarm. Please note that I won’t explain what Traefik is since it may needs his own article and I will focus on the deployment and configuration. This tutorial will also assume that you have a working docker swarm.
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Go library to parse Maven POM file

I have recently written a little go tool that parse maven pom file to analyse dependencies between two projects in order to perform detailed analysis such as evolution of project dependencies, etc… After a bit of research I couldn’t find any existing parser for Go and therefore I have decided to write one. As XML parsing is supported natively in Go there is not much work to do: only declare the structure that the Go XML parser will use.
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Create beautiful image of your code

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Supervisor: a host management solution

Back in 2015 I used to have a lot of devices connected to my LAN. There was my Minecraft server running on a Blade, my Plex server running on an old computer, my gaming computer, my laptop, a Promox single node running on another Blade and several Raspberry Pi used to monitor temperature, sensor activity, performing a DynDNS like synchronization, etc… Some of the devices were running continuously (such as the Pies because they consume a few amount of electricity) and some others were running periodically when I needed them.
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Setup Qt with Jetbrains Clion easily

If you have ever worked with C++ for GUI development, chance are that you have heard of Qt. Qt is a free and open source widget toolkit for creating GUI and cross platform applications that run on many platforms such as Linux, Windows, MacOs, Android, etc… with native capabilities and performances. Qt does not provide only GUI API but has also support for networking, audio, serial port, thread, database, etc… It’s one of the biggest framework ever written for C++.
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Using CDI 2.0 in a Java SE application

CDI (Context & Dependency Injection) is a Java API released with JEE6 that enable dependency injection. Prior to may 2017 it was only available on JEE platform, but fortunately it has changed. CDI 2.0 (released in may 2017) add a new API to create a dependency injection container on a Java SE application. And the integration is easy. Here is how to do it: NB: This project was written in Java 11 with maven as dependency management.
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Building a fast modern dark web crawler

I have been passionated by web crawler for a long time. I have written several one in many languages such as C++, JavaScript (Node.JS), Python, … and I love the theory behind them. But first of all, what is a web crawler? What is a web crawler? A web crawler is a computer program that browse the internet to index existing pages, images, PDF, … and allow user to search them using a search engine.
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terminews - a CLI based RSS reader

I recently got used to view informations using RSS. It allows me to ignore ads, distractions and to focus on the on the essential: having all the informations that I want in the same place. And it save a really consequent amount of time. Furthermore, I love the terminal, I like to use it excessively and I prefer It over GUI applications. That’s good because I’ve found a wonderful CLI application to read RSS: terminews.
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